
B - Pricing principles by open access publishers

B - Medical publishing and drug industry

B - Outsourcing of editorial processing

B - Publication guidelines

B - Citation biases

B - Open access debate

B - Multiple authorship

B - Scientific fraud in China

B - The language of science

B - A science editor about authors' frustrations

B - Impact factor and journal certification

B - PeerJ: a new idea for open access publishing

B - ORCID: authors' identifier system

B - How to enhance quality and transparency of industry-sponsored clinical research

B - Developing a societal impact factor

B - Alternative solution for copyright

B - Updated edition of EASE Guidelines

B - Can tweets predict citations?

B - The accessibility quotient (AQ) of open access

B - Citations and ethics

B - Wikipedia: a tool for health promotion

B - Predatory publishers and plagiarism

B - Open data sharing

B - Research reviews in child psychology and psychiatry