
B - Google & the Future of Books

N - Talking about older people

B - Open access in 2008

B - The “dos and don'ts” of writing a journal article

N - Societies investigate journals' future

B - Open science in e-science: contingency or policy?

B - Electronic journals and changes in scholarly article seeking and reading patterns

B - Journals aim to improve access for the blind

N - They misunderestimated me!

B - Debating open access and arXiv

B - Debating open access and arXiv

B - Elsevier challenged over journal operations

B - No to Negative Data

N - Geophysicists review colleagues' papers

N - Australian journal restricts access

B - Antidepressants. An untold story?

N - Weak pound hurts subscriptions

B - Experts still needed. Be suspicious of metric-based research assessment.