
B - Science editors' associations

B - Effect of using report guidelines during peer review on final manuscript quality

B - Improving categorization of Scopus database journals

B - Correlation between peer assessments and h index values

B - Research assessment: comparison of peer review and bibliometrics rankings

B - Google's vision for books

B - Access to scientific publications: the scientist's perspective

B - Research ethics cases managed by COPE

B - UK scientific papers rank first in citations

B - Are journal editors an anachronism?

B - How journals can prevent, detect and respond to misconduct

N - Wolters Kluwer acquires Medknow

B - Reproducible research in computational science

B- Making the journal abstract more concrete

B - Costs and benefits of transitions to gold open access

B - Performance of scientific peer reviewers

B - Peer reviews: make them public

B - Peer review accuracy: cooperation between referees and authors

B - Public access and use of health research: a NIH study

B - The virtues of correct citation

B - Integration of data and publications

B - Misconducts in publication of biomedical articles

B - Why animal research needs to improve

N - ORCID progress

N - EC consults on scientific information

N - Proofreading tips

N - Journal ranking

N - Apps for libraries

N - More calls for access to data

N - EMWA Journal changes

N - Twitter styles

N - OA search engine

N - How to measure OA

N - DOI as URL

N - Edited news is good news

N - From MathML to MathJax

N - ALPSP awards

N - Interoperability options

N - Data centres as curators

N. Philosophical Transactions now online

B - Ethical guidelines by professional societies

B - Do authors deliberately commit research fraud?

B - Conflicts of interest for medical publishers and editors

B - Reading scientific articles

B - Signs, symptoms and causes of plagiarism

B - Trends in Middle Eastern countries' science production

B - Impact Factor and other metrics for evaluating science

B - Do we need eMinence-based bioethics?

B - Impact of conflicts of interest on perceived credibility of research

B - Legal remedies for medical ghostwriting

B - Innovation needs novel thinking

B - Publishing cycle of biomedical journals

B - Statistical and research design problems in psychology journals

B - APS redifines length

B - Ethics authors don't follow guidelines

B - Online gamers solve a longstanding scientific problem

B - Retracted science and retracted index

B - Can a scientific retraction change public opinion?

B - Quantifying effort in scientific publishing

B - The k-index as an antidote against the h-index

B - Self-citation bias in psychological science

B - Communicating uncertainties visually

B - Crafting a revision

B - Evaluation of peer review system

B - Reporting guidelines for health research: a review

B - Conflict of interest in oncology

B - The impact of free access to the scientific literature: a review

B - Authorship problems in small medical journals

B - Authors' awareness toward OA repositories

B - How to search, write, prepare and publish scientific papers

B - Incorporating open access into libraries

B - A bioresource research impact factor

B - Openly archiving raw research data

B - n-index: a novel parameter

B - Biomedical journal editing

B - The role of advertising in financing OA journals

B - Author attitudes towards open access publishing

B - Free journals grow amid ongoing debate

B - The size distribution of open access publishers

B - Economic implications of alternative publishing models

B - Development of OA journal publishing (1993-2009)

B - No-fault peer review charges

B - New trends of institutional repositories

B - OA report in 2010

B - Open access publishing: what authors want

B - Open peer review: sharing reviewers' signed reviews on the web

B - 10 lessons to get your paper published

B - Open access to research

B - Access to knowledge in the age of intellectual property

B - Mandates and open access

Up-dated version of EASE Guidelines

B - Quality and peer review of research

B - Peer review quality in nursing journals

B - A medical journal's influence evaluation

B - Tools for management of plagiarism complaints

B - Incorporating open access into libraries

B - Evidence-based journalism

B - Open access citation advantage: an annotated bibliography

B - Multiple open access availability and citation impact

B - Do OA biomedical journals benefit smaller countries?

B - Open access and Scopus

B - A randomized controlled trial of scientific journal publishing

B - Statistical and scientific reviews of manuscripts

B - Perceived value of scholarly articles

Imagination and interpretation: Writing science into fiction

B - Publication ethics

B - Are pediatric OA journals promoting good publication practice?

Recording medical systematic reviews

B - Peer review

B - Write when you can and submit when you are ready

B - Global scientific collaboration

B - Chinese Academy of Sciences' role

B - Bureaucrats, researchers, editors, and the impact factor

B - Editorial independence and ethics

B - Citations received by DOAJ's journals

B- Strange attractors in the Web of Science database

B - What researchers want

B - PrestigeRank: A new evaluation method for papers and journals

B - Gender mainstreaming in editorial policies

B - Multiple open access availability and citation impact

B - Impact factors and editing of medical journals