
B - How much doctoral clinical research is published?

B - Open access publishing: advantages and disadvantages

B - Embargo on Iranian scientific publications

B - Publication of public health theses in Turkey

B - Plagiarism in scientific publishing

B - Relationship between impact factor and papers' citations

B - Authors' COI disclosure in Iranian medical journals

B - Consequences of conflict of interest disclosure

B - Selecting the right journal

B - Does endorsement of reporting guidelines infuence the completeness of reporting?

B - Avoiding plagiarism

B - Measuring the societal impact of research

B - Authorship disagreements

B - Selection of journals by A&I services

B - Impact of the Internet surfing on reading practices

B - Anatomy of open access publishing

B - Ghostwriting

B - How to acknowledge crediting contributors

B - Authorship problems in scholarly journals

B - Duplicate publication and plagiarism

N - The life of a Nature paper

B - Open access publishing models

B - Authorship, scholarship and ergonomics

B - History of citation-based research

B - A protocol to report plagiarism

B - Predatory open access publishers

B - Identifying attractive research fields for new scientists

B - Medical social networks use in Bosnia and Herzegovina

B - Honorary authorship and contribution-specific index

N - Elsevier ethics resources

B - Open access versus subscription journals

B - A look at medical journal editors

B - The inevitability of open access

B - Editorial ethical aspects

B - To be an editor is to live dangerously

B - Ending honorary authorship

B - Science writers should not fear jargon

B - Quality of peer review in biomedical journals

B - New COPE guidelines

N - Towards open content mining

N - How to insult a scientist

N - Looking into the future

N - PEERing into access

N - Indicators for OA journals

N - Reasons not to be a peer reviewer

N - Choosing a journal

N - FundRef

N -Open citations

N - Welcome to PeerJ

N - Journal naming standards

N - The Finch Report

B - Pricing principles by open access publishers

B - Medical publishing and drug industry

B - Outsourcing of editorial processing

B - Publication guidelines

B - Citation biases

B - Open access debate

B - Multiple authorship

B - Scientific fraud in China

B - The language of science

B - A science editor about authors' frustrations

B - Impact factor and journal certification

B - PeerJ: a new idea for open access publishing

B - ORCID: authors' identifier system

B - How to enhance quality and transparency of industry-sponsored clinical research

B - Developing a societal impact factor

B - Alternative solution for copyright

B - Updated edition of EASE Guidelines

B - Can tweets predict citations?

B - The accessibility quotient (AQ) of open access

B - Citations and ethics

B - Wikipedia: a tool for health promotion

B - Predatory publishers and plagiarism

B - Open data sharing

B - Research reviews in child psychology and psychiatry

B - Favourable comments about EASE Guidelines

B - EASE Guidelines

B - All Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI)

B - Online biomedical databases

B - Can small journals provide leadership?

B - Alarming cracks of bias

B - Inappropriate authorship in high impact biomedical journals

B - Authorship criteria

B - Author self-citations

B - Scientists' opinion on impact factor

B - Ethics of journal peer review

B - Refereeing academic articles

B - Publication success prediction

B - Positive-outcome bias

B - Publication bias

B - Writing a narrative biomedical review

B - Teaching best practices in scientific research

B - Conflicts of interest policies

B - Maps of citations uncover hot research and scholarship

B - Myths about open access publishing

B - UNESCO guidelines on open access

B - Review about authorship issues

B - Social awareness tools for science research

B - Science growth in Iran

B - Post-dating journal articles and citation counting

B - Tracking replications as method of post-publication evaluation

B - Chinese medical ethics

B - Open access economical model

B - Women underrepresented on editorial boards of top-ranked medical journals

B - Publication of NIH funded clinical trials

B - Gender-sensitive reporting in medical research

B - How experienced examiners assess research theses

B - Twitter: a guide for academics and researchers

B - Mathematicians' author rights

B - Maximizing journal article visibility and citations

B - AuthorAID in the Eastern Mediterranean

B - Self-publishing of Croatian editors

B - What factors determine citation counts in chemistry

B - Plagiarism in scientific writing: words or ideas?