B - Impact factors and editing of medical journals

Gasparyan AY. Editorial. Thoughts on impact factors and editing of medical journals. Inflammation & Allergy - Drug Targets 2010;9(1):2-5

In our times editing of medical journals is gaining more importance as a driving force of science communication. High quality of publications and their impact ia s result of a process, to which non only authors but also publishers, editors, and reviewers contribute in different ways. Their combined efforts can speed-up scientific progress and rapidly distribute valuable updated information throughout the world. Today more than ever before, editors' task is that of improving the process of peer-review and editing, and to increase the number of publications with higher scientific value. As a result of changes in the spreading of scientific information - also through the increasing use of social networking services - new metrics of impact have emerged, as the immediacy index. Furthermore, expansion of online publication highlighted the importance of supplements and thematic issues, that can rapidly promote new journals.
