
B - How to collaborate with medical communicators

B - Publishers and point-of-care information services

B - Disclosure of competing interests

B - How to review journal manuscripts

B - Research integrity and publication ethics

B - Croatia moves away from fostering research integrity

B - Who's a peer?

B - Metrics: a profusion of measures

B - Open access availability of LIS research

B - Improving access to research

B - Principles of ethical publishing

B - Writing book reviews

B - Positive-outcome bias in peer review

B - A CV of failures

B - Implementing open access

N - Preserving data

B - Science publishing: whose intellectual property?

N - How much does peer review cost?

B - Authorship and industry support

B – Classification of biases in medical research

B - Interactive open access publishing and peer review

B - Author-suggested reviewers vs editor-suggested reviewers

B - Disclosing all data

B - A bibliometric investigation of the Ortega hypothesis

B - A new method for measuring research leadership

B - Publication pattern of theses in Peru

B - Usage of open access journals

B - Google Scholar as a tool for discovering articles in LIS journals

B - Publishing in China

B - Disseminate time-sensitive research faster

B - Are shorter article titles more attractive to citations?

B - How a pre-publication review may affect the rate of scientific progress

B - Fraud and ethics

B- Preserving research for the future

B - New APS policies enhance access to journals

B - Scholarly publishing through open access: a bibliography

B - Mutations of citations

B - PaperMaker: validation of biomedical scientific publications

B- How to review journal manuscripts

B - Peer review should continue after publication

B - Free journals grow

B - The Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP)

B - Can we do better than existing author citation metrics?

N - UK science austerity on its way

N - Top tips for editorial professionals

N - US open access battle rumbles on

N - Making climate data free for all

N - Ghostwriting in the drug industry

N - JSTOR interface update

N - ENCePP Code of Conduct

N - Multilingual

N - Research integrity guidelines

B - Authors' responses to post-publication feedback

B - Usage of e-Journals

B – Reporting bias in medicine

B - Social relationships are key to health

B - The growth rate of scientific publication and the decline in SCI coverage

B - A terminology quality improvement model

B - How to boost a paper's citations

B - Writing a structured abstract for the thesis

N - MedChemComm launches

B - Gender bias in medical publication

B - Public perception of clinical trials

B - Changing ethos of medical publications

N - Steering a middle course

B - Publication bias in stroke studies

N - New group tackles European copyright

N - Scandinavian open access initiatives

N - PLoS ignores impact factors

B - Assessing sincerity of misconduct apologies

B - Do pressures to publish increase scientists' bias?

B - Bridging the divide between science and journalism

B - Health research reporting guidelines

B - Medical ghostwriting

B - Business in medical writing: a monographic issue

N - DOIs in the popular press

B - Do reviews deserve their citations?

N - Royal Society journals free for July

N - EndNote gets an upgrade

N - Springer Opening Up

N - Peer review turned around

B - Sources of dissemination bias

B - Open access survey

B - Preparing raw clinical data for publication

B - Repositories and journals: are they in conflict?

B - Promoting scientific standards

B - Peer review delay and selectivity

B - Number of reviewers and editors' rejection rate

B - Putting gender on the agenda

B - New journal models

N - Library outsources proofreading

B - Open access biomedical journals in Greece

B - Highly cited articles in LIS: analysis of content and authorship

N - Science papers in South Africa

B - Does a Hierarchy of the Sciences exist?

B - Are editorial peer reviewers' recommendations reliable?

N - Publication awards

B - Indicators for measuring researchers' performance

B - Science fails to face the shortcomings of statistics

N - Learn a language, adopt a national stereotype?

N - Making referencing too easy?

N - Science video awards

B - Fraud: who is responsible?

B - Conflict of interest policies

B - Research misconduct policies

B - E-publication bias

B- Roundtable participants find near-consensus on free access to results of publicly funded research

B - Preparing clinical data for publication

B - Publication bias in surgery journals

B - Peer review process: language and content comments

N - Libel law: the real fight lies ahead

B - Plagiarism retracts review

B - Periodicals Price Survey 2010

N- Authors by the gross

B - Journal myths

B - ICMJE requirements on competing interests: do they solve the problems?

B - Challenging conventions on sample size

B - Retractions: COPE guidance

B- Ghost(writer)busters

B - Researchers' perception of citations