Scott-Lichter D. Publication ethics: prevention, screening, and treatment (Editorial). Learned Publishing 2011;24:84-85
(doi: 10.1087/20110201)
The author underlines what can be done to address ethical concerns (such as plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification) and at the same time maintain the timely flow of reliable scholarly information. The need to correct ethical breaches after publication can be reduced if potential indicators can be identified before publication. This proactive approach requires education and changing of human behaviour.
(doi: 10.1087/20110201)
The author underlines what can be done to address ethical concerns (such as plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification) and at the same time maintain the timely flow of reliable scholarly information. The need to correct ethical breaches after publication can be reduced if potential indicators can be identified before publication. This proactive approach requires education and changing of human behaviour.