Bornmann L, Mutz R, Marx W et al. A multilevel modelling approach to investigating the predictive validity of editorial decisions: do the editors of a high profile journal select manuscripts that are highly cited after publication? Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series A (Statistics in Society) 2011;174(Part 4):1-23
Scientific journals need not only to assess the quality of manuscripts but also to examine the predictive validity of their decisions in selecting the best manuscripts. One of the concerning question is on whether selection of the best manuscripts also means selecting papers that after publication show top citation performance within their fields. This study proposes a new promising approach for assessing the predictive validity of editorial selection decisions. This new methodology has shown many advantages but also some limitations that need to be addressed by future research studies.
Scientific journals need not only to assess the quality of manuscripts but also to examine the predictive validity of their decisions in selecting the best manuscripts. One of the concerning question is on whether selection of the best manuscripts also means selecting papers that after publication show top citation performance within their fields. This study proposes a new promising approach for assessing the predictive validity of editorial selection decisions. This new methodology has shown many advantages but also some limitations that need to be addressed by future research studies.