B - Openly archiving raw research data

Piwowar HA. Who shares? Who doesn't? Factors associated with openly archiving raw research data. PLoS ONE 2011;6(7):e18657
(doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0018657)

Funders, publishers, societies, and individual research groups have developed tools, resources, and policies to encourage researchers to make their data publicly available. This article aims at investigating who openly shares raw research data, who doesn't, and which initiatives are correlated with high rates of data sharing. Considering a particular type of data - biological gene expression microarray intensity values - a large set of data sharing actions and associated variables have been collected and analyzed. Even in this field, with mature policies, repositories and standards, research data sharing levels are low and increasing slowly, and data is least available in areas where it could make the biggest impact.
