Jubb M. Heading for the open road: costs and benefits of transitions in scholarly communications. Liber Quarterly 2011;21(1):102-104
This article reports on a study investigating the drivers, costs and benefits of potential ways to increase access to scholarly journals. A detailed and authorative analysis of how it could be achieved identifying five different scenarios over the next five years: gold and green open access, moves towards national licensing, publisher-led delayed open access, and transactional models. It then compares and evaluates benefits, costs, and risks for the UK. Policymakers should encourage the use of existing subject and institutional repositories (green infrastructure) and in parallel promote and facilitate a transition to gold open access.
This article reports on a study investigating the drivers, costs and benefits of potential ways to increase access to scholarly journals. A detailed and authorative analysis of how it could be achieved identifying five different scenarios over the next five years: gold and green open access, moves towards national licensing, publisher-led delayed open access, and transactional models. It then compares and evaluates benefits, costs, and risks for the UK. Policymakers should encourage the use of existing subject and institutional repositories (green infrastructure) and in parallel promote and facilitate a transition to gold open access.