
B - Hijacking a journal

B - Authorship: myths and misconceptions

B - Storing and accessing biomedical big data

B - Why scientists decline to review papers

B - Double-blind review

B - Internet influence on plagiarism

B - Retraction policies of top journals

B - The end of journals

B - Negative results

B - Increasing value and reduce waste

B - Can a medical researcher have too many publications?

B - The COBWEB randomized controlled trial

B - How to improve the medical research literature

B - Gender gap in social-science funding

B - Editorial Board meetings

B - Overflow in science and trust

B - Scientometric analysis on big data

B - Ethical ambiguity in physics

B - Open access and peer review system

B - Cluster randomized trials

B - FASTR legislation

B - A modern scientific infrastructure

B - Access and discovery

B - Responding to reviewers

B - Conflict of interest policies

B - Peer review

B - Double-blind review

B - Updated Good Publication Practice guideline GPP3

B - Open access-first Spanish edition

B - An open research culture

B - The erosion of research integrity

B - Reasons for abandoning clinical trials

B - What motivates researchers to write journal articles

B - An effective poster presentation

B - Pharmacovigilance medical writing

B - Link rot

B - The history of typography in Print Magazine

B - Antibody problem

B - SciDetect: a hoax-detecting software

B - Misidentified cell lines

B - Public availability of data sharing

B - Head-to-head RCTs and industry sponsor

B - Beyond the impact factor?

B - Identifying legitimate OA journals

B - Reporting guidelines

B - Editorial independence

B - Ethical ambiguity in physics

B - Reporting systematic reviews of IPD

B - "Living figures" make their debut

B - Plain English in medical writing

B - Declaration of transparency

B - Bibliographical support on quality of medical care

B - Tweeting at scientific conferences

B - Retractions of scientific publications

B - Asian science and technology journals

B - Code share

B - F1000 postpublication peer review service

B - Data sharing

B - Features of top-rated gold OA journals

B - Health care's big data

B - Medical writer learning

B - Academic career

B - High-impact-factor syndrome

B - Authorship matrix

B - Peer review in the digital age

B - Identifying legitimate OA journals

B - Gender differences in conference presentations

B - NIH plans to enhance reproducibility

B - CoBRA: Citation of BioResources in journal Articles

N - DOAJ - Fully Functional Now for Application and Reapplication

B - Big data and public health

B - A social media trial

B - Post-publication culture

B - Writing publications for advisory boards