Scott-Lichter D. Authorship disputes: me first, me equally, me too, not me. Learned Publishing 2012;25(2):83-85
(doi: 10.1087/20120201)
Authorship criteria vary among journals. Some give detailed guidelines, others provide no definitions in their instructions for authors. Unfortunately, some recurring behaviours are inconsistent with ethical scientific practice. Some examples refer to the authorship order (which often influences how the work is cited), to the guest and ghost authorship. Journal editors should define acceptable authorship criteria and encourage adherence to them. One approach that may help is requiring authors to fill the contributorship model of authorship, in which they outline their individual major contribution to the article.;jsessionid=350hu269imqwv.alexandra
(doi: 10.1087/20120201)
Authorship criteria vary among journals. Some give detailed guidelines, others provide no definitions in their instructions for authors. Unfortunately, some recurring behaviours are inconsistent with ethical scientific practice. Some examples refer to the authorship order (which often influences how the work is cited), to the guest and ghost authorship. Journal editors should define acceptable authorship criteria and encourage adherence to them. One approach that may help is requiring authors to fill the contributorship model of authorship, in which they outline their individual major contribution to the article.;jsessionid=350hu269imqwv.alexandra