Macrina FL. Teaching authorship and publication practices in the biomedical and life sciences. Science and Engineering Ethics 2011;17(2):341-354
The examination of a limited number of publisher's Instructions for Authors, of guidelines from two scientific societies, and of the policy document of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) provided the basis for articulating best practices in authorship in scientific research. They relate, in particular, to the following issues: definition of authorship, police statements on duplicative publication, conflict of interests disclosure, electronic access, data sharing, digital image integrity, and subject's protection. All these elements provide a foundation for teaching about authorship and publication practices.
The examination of a limited number of publisher's Instructions for Authors, of guidelines from two scientific societies, and of the policy document of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) provided the basis for articulating best practices in authorship in scientific research. They relate, in particular, to the following issues: definition of authorship, police statements on duplicative publication, conflict of interests disclosure, electronic access, data sharing, digital image integrity, and subject's protection. All these elements provide a foundation for teaching about authorship and publication practices.