Shashok K. Who's a peer? Improving peer review by including additional sources of expertise. Journal of Participatory Medicine 2010 Dec 8;2:e15
To strengthen the review process, the Journal of Participatory Medicine proposes to enlarge peer expertise to include experts outside the academic and professional communities (such as health care users and other lay experts), who have a stake in the quality of the evidence. According to the author, this can improve the valuable source of knowledge and help rebuild evidence-sharing conduits among patients, physicians, and researhers.
To strengthen the review process, the Journal of Participatory Medicine proposes to enlarge peer expertise to include experts outside the academic and professional communities (such as health care users and other lay experts), who have a stake in the quality of the evidence. According to the author, this can improve the valuable source of knowledge and help rebuild evidence-sharing conduits among patients, physicians, and researhers.