B - Interactive open access publishing and peer review

Poeschl U. Interactive open access publishing and peer review: the effectiveness and perspectives of transparency and self-regulation in scientific communication and evaluation. Liber Quarterly 2010;19(3/4):293-314

The traditional ways of scientific publishing and peer review do not live up to the needs of efficient communication and quality assurance in today's rapidly developing scientific world. The advantages of open access (OA), public peer review and interactive discussion are demonstrated by the description of the interactive OA peer review practised by the journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP) and a number of interactive OA sister journals. They intend to demonstrate that interactive OA peer review with a two-stage publication process and public discussion effectively resolves the dilemma between rapid scientific exchange and thorough quality assurance. Its basic concepts could be easily adjusted to the different needs and capacities of different scientific communities.
