Buela-Casal G. Scientific journal impact indexes and indicators for measuring researchers' performance. Revista de Psicodidactica 2010;15(1):3-19
Scientific productivity is a key factor in granting funding for projects. In the majority of cases, productivity indicators are based on data extracted from the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) database. The paper describes and classifies the most relevant indicators for measuring the output, productivity and impact of researchers' performance. In particular, it describes the advantages and disadvantages of: journal impact factor (IF), papers IF, weighted IF, accumulated IF, author IF, immedicacy index, h index and many others. The paper gives also some advices regarding the use of different indexes.
Scientific productivity is a key factor in granting funding for projects. In the majority of cases, productivity indicators are based on data extracted from the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) database. The paper describes and classifies the most relevant indicators for measuring the output, productivity and impact of researchers' performance. In particular, it describes the advantages and disadvantages of: journal impact factor (IF), papers IF, weighted IF, accumulated IF, author IF, immedicacy index, h index and many others. The paper gives also some advices regarding the use of different indexes.