
B - Medical deontology and ethics

B - Public access to clinical study results

B - Peer review quality

B - What researchers perceive as unpublishable research

B - Research data and publishing

B - Writing style: abstract thoughts

B - Evidence-based medicine in crisis?

B - Academia gets social

B - The peer review scam

B - Publishing and evidence-based medicine in Asia

B - The top 100 papers

B - Compliance of retraction notices with COPE guidelines

B - Health news and academic press releases

B - Five-step authorship framework

B - The rise of predatory publishers

B - Visibility of Argentinean publications

B - Rubriq: a peer review service

B - Research credibility

B - How to develop high-quality, ethical clinical manuscripts

B - Retraction notices and COPE guidelines

B - Wikipedia citations in journal articles

B - Science publishing in Russia

B - The Kardashian index

B - Publication bias in social sciences

B - Social media use by medical students

B - Peer review for RCT

B - Impact factor mania

B - An example of unethical behaviour

B - Plagiarism and ethics

B - Scholarly publishing trends 2014

B - Science transparency

B - Lay summaries of OA articles

B - Periodicals price survey 2014

B - Recommended procedures for retracting articles

B - The impact of retraction

B - Retractions of scientific publications

B - Quality of author guidelines

B - Publishing ethics

B - Publication ethics in Iranian journals

B - Publishing strategies

B - Creative Commons and open access

B - Peer review and visibility

B - Good clinical practice

B - Study design in biomedical and health research

B - Authorship attitudes and practice in Norway

B - Plagiarism and retraction

B - English for medical purposes

B - Publication in PNAS

B - Mistakes in manuscripts on education and rejection

B - Defining and responding to plagiarism

B - Upgrading instructions for authors

B - Review of Wikipedia citations in health science literature

B - Citation increments between collaborating countries

B - Internet publicity of data problems and corrective actions

B - Ethics of scholarly publishing

B - Privacy protectionism and health information

B - Science journalism

B - Editorial research and publication process

B - Citation-related characteristics in scientific journals

B - Impact of article language in medical journals

B - Open access respiratory journals

B - How to read health care news stories

B - Publication guidelines for industry medical research

B - Guidance on research integrity in Europe

B - Why growing retractions are a good sign

B - Cheating in publications

B - How to be a top journal

B - Conflict of interest disclosure form

B - The first scientific journal

B - Conflicts of interest in high-impact biomedical journals

B - Online-to-print delays and impact factor

B - New ideas in science

B - Conflicts of interest in biomedical publications

B - Salami publication

B - Case reports

B - Peer review simulation

B - Self-correction in biomedical publications

B - Research misconduct

B - Honorary authorship

B - Japanese randomized controlled trials

B - Research design of articles in Brazilian physical therapy journals

B - Citation indices of Korean scientific journals

B - Medical writing and ghostwriting

B - Tips for non-native English speakers editors

B - Gender disparities in science

B - Legal remedies for ghostwriting

B - Standards on responsible research publication

B - Dealing with peer review

B - Publishing in nursing

B - Research funded by drug industry

B - Methods of assessing a scientific paper

B - Open peer review: a review of the literature

B - Bibliometric indicators of Russian journals

B - Reducing waste from reports of biomedical research