Barić H, Andrijašević L. Why should medical editors CARE about case reports? Croatian Medical Journal 2013;54:507-509
(doi: 10.3325/cmj.2013.54.507)
In September 2013, CARE (CAse REport) guidelines were presented and published in several journals. Even though case reports are indispensable for medical progress since they bring attention to novel entities, in the evidence based era of impact factors and citations, they are often considered to be less valuable and often neglected by both publishers and readers, due to their low citation rates. However, case reports have not only changed and grown more complex in their form, but continue to report on a wide range of topics other than direct clinical experience. Today they play a significant role in medical education and help emphasize ethical predicaments.
(doi: 10.3325/cmj.2013.54.507)
In September 2013, CARE (CAse REport) guidelines were presented and published in several journals. Even though case reports are indispensable for medical progress since they bring attention to novel entities, in the evidence based era of impact factors and citations, they are often considered to be less valuable and often neglected by both publishers and readers, due to their low citation rates. However, case reports have not only changed and grown more complex in their form, but continue to report on a wide range of topics other than direct clinical experience. Today they play a significant role in medical education and help emphasize ethical predicaments.