
B - Peer review

B - Write when you can and submit when you are ready

B - Global scientific collaboration

B - Chinese Academy of Sciences' role

B - Bureaucrats, researchers, editors, and the impact factor

B - Editorial independence and ethics

B - Citations received by DOAJ's journals

B- Strange attractors in the Web of Science database

B - What researchers want

B - PrestigeRank: A new evaluation method for papers and journals

B - Gender mainstreaming in editorial policies

B - Multiple open access availability and citation impact

B - Impact factors and editing of medical journals

B - Open online review

B - Unpublished results hide the decline effect

B - Collaborator proximity as a predictor of scientific impact

B - Are scientists good communicators?

B - Public access to publicly funded research

B - Scientists prefer reading over publishing open access papers

B - OA Repositories: the researchers' point of view

B - Publishers' opinion about open access

B- Predictive validity of editorial decisions

B - E-publication bias

B - Is open peer review the fairest system?

B- What price quality?