We are always happy to support research into areas that will shed light and reveal greater insights into the professions under the EASE umbrella, and this new survey falls well within our scope. PhD candidate Adrian Stenton, at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, and his colleague Dr Morana Lukač, are investigating copy-editors' and proofreaders' attitudes to usage variation in academic English.
This project will be investigating approaching to a range of different words through surveying editing professionals, calling for copy-editors and proofreaders of English texts to offer their experiences and opinions. This survey is the first in the series, and examines the use of variations on the word 'data'.
If you can spare a bit of your time, please help the researchers at Leiden University to learn more about editing practices by completing this survey https://leidenuniv.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bPKz98OFSORmnK5.
The survey should take around 15 minutes of your time to complete. It will remain open until 31 May 2020 and the results will be presented at the ISLE 6 conference in Joensuu in June 2021.
If you enter your email at the end of the survey, you could be randomly selected as one of the two winners to receive a $25 gift card from Amazon as a thank you.