Nine major funders sign ORCID Open Letter

Nine funding agencies in seven countries have signed an ORCiD open letter committing to implement ORCID iDs in the grant application and reporting process, in accordance with the organisation's best practice guidelines for funders.

The nine funders are:

1. Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (Austria)
2. National Research Foundation (South Africa) 
3. Howard Hughes Medical Institute (USA)
4. Wellcome Trust (UK)
5. Research Council of Norway (Norway)
6. CAPES (Brazil)
7. The Royal Society (UK)
8. UK Research and Innovation (UK)
9. Swiss National Science Foundation (Switzerland)

The Swiss National Science Foundation also released an open letter to accompany the announcement, detailing their future plans through three separate initiatives.

This ORCiD open letter initiative, and the support of these major funding bodies, is an excellent move towards increasing the efficiency of the application and reporting processes.

This Summer, EASE announced our own Statement of Endorsement of ORCiD to encourage our members to register and use ORCIDs for their works and to encourage authors and reviewers with whom they work to do likewise.
