Biomedical Editors survey on peer review.

A new project from the MiRoR research group is investigating the perspectives of biomedical editors and authors on the quality of peer-review reports. The goal of the survey is to inform the development of a new tool to assess the quality of a peer-review report in biomedical research.

Due to the focus of this project, this survey is intended for biomedical researchers (particularly journal editors, as well as authors in the field). However, we encourage you to forward the link of the survey to relevant colleagues who may be interested in participating in this study.

This survey is the second part of a process to identify and measure qualities of peer review reports. A paper reporting the first phase of this project is currently under review. It contains a methodological systematic review of MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Methodology Register and Google for all reports which describe a tool for assessing the quality of a peer review reports in biomedical research.

The main result in the paper was that none of the tools identified provided a clear definition of quality of peer review reports, and the paper expresses a concern over exactly what these tools measure, since a clear definition of quality was not found.

This survey forms the second part of the study, and aims to investigate how editors and authors define the quality of a peer review report. In the survey, respondents will be asked to comment on a preliminary definition of peer-review report quality and rate the importance of the quality components of a peer-review report identified in the methodological systematic review and with the input from experts in peer review.

The final phase of the project will develop and validate a new tool for assessing the quality of peer review reports.

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and can be found at:

Participation in this study is completely voluntary and you may withdraw at any time. If you decide to participate, all your answers will be de-identified and stored in a secured repository at Universitat
Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona-Tech (Spain).

Download the official PDF call for participants here
