Article discovery app Kopernio acquired by Clarivate

Interesting new development over at Clarivate, as they announce their acquisition of article discovery app Kopernio.

A free to use browser plug-in similar to UnPaywall, Kopernio searches your library (if you log on with institutional credentials), PubMed, Google Scholar, pre-print servers and other repositories to look for the full text. It then saves it to your online 'locker', or you can download to your desktop.

Adding this personal library app to the Clarivate roster, alongside recently acquired Publons for peer review activity, as well as their existing Web of Science and ScholarOne Manuscripts features is an interesting step towards developing what could be a fascinating and highly functional integrated academic activity platform (and all that associated data that goes with it!).

Unsurprisingly, this news is making waves across industry and academia, including a thoughtful post and interview with Kopernio founders Jan Reichelt and Ben Kaube on Scholarly Kitchen, and Times Higher Education running the somewhat contentious headline “'Legal Sci-Hub' journal access tool set for major expansion”, amongst many others.

Definitely worth putting in your browser.

- Wednesday 11th April, 2018 -
