Joshi Y. Style guides that refuse to go away. Learned Publishing 2013;26(2):133-134
(doi: 10.1087/20130210)
The article discusses the relevance and utility of the minutiae that style guides and specifications insist on in restructuring submitted manuscripts for publication. The author believes that the difficulty at finding any ergonic justification for selecting among recommended style has affirmed the necessity of reorienting copy-editing on making the text simple, lucid and euphonious. Problems in styling also occur in electronic books, web pages and audiobooks.;jsessionid=24E0B4001A1E8539D670E4F7EE6D0EF7
(doi: 10.1087/20130210)
The article discusses the relevance and utility of the minutiae that style guides and specifications insist on in restructuring submitted manuscripts for publication. The author believes that the difficulty at finding any ergonic justification for selecting among recommended style has affirmed the necessity of reorienting copy-editing on making the text simple, lucid and euphonious. Problems in styling also occur in electronic books, web pages and audiobooks.;jsessionid=24E0B4001A1E8539D670E4F7EE6D0EF7