
B - Is there an apartheid in science publishing?

B - Journal rank and study impact

B - Journal's publisher country and citation rates

B - Normalization of citation impact

B - Data transparency in medical communication

B - Older people in clinical research

B - Reporting guidelines

B - Science editing

B - Ethical authorship in industry publications

B - Transparency declaration for research article

B - Honorary authorship in biomedical journals

B - New authorship criterion

B - Bibliographic databases: critical points

B - Web science in medicine and healthcare

B - Open access: the true cost of science publishing

B - Conflict of interest in OA publishing

B - Open access: changing global science publishing

B - Medical publication and scientometrics

B - A reviewer index

B - Reporting medical research

B - Choosing the target journal

B - Use of h-index in chemical research

B - Utility of style guides

B - Visibility of retractions

B - Duplicate systematic reviews

B - Citation and IF distributions of scientific journals

B - Impact factor for journal scientometrics

B - Reconsidering the Declaration of Helsinki

B - The Lancet journals new OA policy