
B - "Down's syndrome" or "Down syndrome"?

B - Personal knowledge management The role of Web 2.0 tools for managing knowledge at individual and organisational levels

A slippery slope

A question of integrity

B - Systematic Differences in Impact across Publication Tracks at PNAS

B - Taking Care of Digital Collections and Data

B - Global Citation Patterns of Open Access Communication Studies Journals:Pushing Beyond the Social Science Citation Index

B - Uniform format for disclosure of competing interests in ICMJE journals

B - Should we use the mean citations per paper to summarise a journal’s impact?

B - How Many Scientists Fabricate and Falsify Research?

B - Methods to increase response to postal and electronic questionnaires

B - Publishing non-research papers as a trainee

B - Prevalence of ghostwriting spurs calls for transparency

B - Requirements and definitions in conflict of interest policies of medical journals.

B - The gender imbalance in academic medicine: a study of female authorship in the United Kingdom

B - Liberating the voices of science

B - Scholarly communication

B - Open science at web-scale: Optimising participation and predictive potential

B - How to Publish a Scientific Comment in 1 2 3 Easy Steps

B - Can the highly cited psychiatric paper be predicted early?

B - Common Weaknesses in Traditional Abstracts in the Social Sciences

B - The Psychology of Referencing in Psychology Journal Articles

B - "Strategic Reading, Ontologies, and the Future of Scientific Publishing"

B - Does analysis using "last observation carried forward" introduce bias in dementia research?

N - Opening up scholarly research

N - JAMA revises without correction

N - Iranian minister's articles retracted

N - Green frog for Nobel laureates

B - Globalizing Science Publishing

N - viXra takes on arXiv

N - Paradigm shift for clichés

N - Nature v science in cartoon

N - Live peer review by blog

N - Journals should police citations

N - BMJ reforms research publishing

N - Headline is a bum job

N - Plagiarist chairs conference

N - Scientist sued over missing data

N - Professor faces censure over data

N - Search for the phoniest formula

N - PLoS archives ghostwriting documents

N - Journal or blog?

N - Medical ghostwriting is rife

N - Most papers find a home

B - Equity for Open-Access Journal Publishing

N - Company sues paper's contributor for libel

N - Dawkins attacks libel law

B - Google Book Search Bibliography

B - UNESCO Publication guidelines

B - Scientific Publishing Standards

B - Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: The PRISMA Statement

B - Publishing before the thesis: 58 postgraduate views

B - Better Read That Again: Web Hoaxes and Misinformation

B - Opening up public health: a strategy of information and

B - Scientific writing

B - Writing an introduction to the introduction

B - Fraud, misinformation and the open culture

B - Fledgling site challenges arXiv server

N - UK government advises on Twitter

N - Chemistry publisher goes online-only

B - The e-Index, Complementing the h-Index for Excess Citations

N - Turkey censors evolution articles

N - Comic Sans walks into a bar

N - China publishes more in top journals

N - Web 2.0 opens conferences

N - Twitter meets arXiv

N - Oldest bible online

N - Gifts for good reviews

B - Qualitative research articles: guidelines, suggestions and needs

B - The insider's guide to plagiarism

N - Seminal Nature editor dies

N - Train for open access

N - Many Chinese trials flawed

N - Drug company made journal

N - Millionth word was nonsense

N - The end for embargoes?

B - Letters commenting on a case of fraud

N - Court silences science writer

N - Editor quits after hoax

N - Indian journal's integrity questioned

N - A pedant and proud

N - Help for developing world authors

N - Editors must cover climate change

B - A Principal Component Analysis of 39 Scientific Impact Measures

B - Looking for Landmarks: The Role of Expert Review and Bibliometric Analysis in Evaluating Scientific Publication Outputs

N - Publisher censors sexuality article

N - Google affects the brain

B - I Am Not a Scientist, I Am a Number

Sharing medical research data. Whose rights and who’s right?

Managing UK research data for future use

Essay: The Future of Scientific Publishing