Hartley J. Planning that title: Practices and preferences for titles with
colons in academic articles. Library & Information Science Research. 2007(29): 553–568
There is a large debate on effective titles that influence article reading and its citations. This article considers the use of "colonic" titles in different disciplines. Colons play an important role in titles for academic articles. Some current practices in using colons and students'and academics' preferences for titles with and without colons are analysed. Disciplinary differences show a greater use of colons in the arts than in sciences and that more single authors use more colons that multiple authors. There are differnces in titles used for conference papers and journal articles. The use of colons did not influence citation rates.
colons in academic articles. Library & Information Science Research. 2007(29): 553–568
There is a large debate on effective titles that influence article reading and its citations. This article considers the use of "colonic" titles in different disciplines. Colons play an important role in titles for academic articles. Some current practices in using colons and students'and academics' preferences for titles with and without colons are analysed. Disciplinary differences show a greater use of colons in the arts than in sciences and that more single authors use more colons that multiple authors. There are differnces in titles used for conference papers and journal articles. The use of colons did not influence citation rates.