
B - Planning that title and the use of colons

B - Academics’ views on publishing refereed works

B - Integration of the research library service into the editorial process

B - The Delorean or the Mini? Digital imperatives for publishers, digital dilemmas for repositories.

B - Using position, fonts and cited references to retrieve documents.

B - Coverage analysis of Scopus

B - Measuring scientific eminence with h-index and other indicators

W - The history of Nature, 138 years of science publication

B - OBO Foundry: coordinated evolution of ontologies to support biomedical data integration

B - Plagiarism and punishment

B - Access all theses

W - Data management videos

W - "Vancouver style" updated

B- Plagiarism

B - Vindication of the "editorial review" system for revolutionary science

W - Equator: Improving reporting of health research