Perera R, Heneghan C, Yudkin P. A graphical method for depicting
randomised trials of complex interventions. BMJ 2007;334:127-9.
Making the what, when, and who of non-drug treatments easier to understand
would benefit researchers and readers. Using a single graphical
representation could clarify descriptions, and would prompt researchers to
focus on the structure and timing and ensure appropriate comparisons.
Readers would be able to see the differences between comparison groups
posted for MArgaret Cooter
randomised trials of complex interventions. BMJ 2007;334:127-9.
Making the what, when, and who of non-drug treatments easier to understand
would benefit researchers and readers. Using a single graphical
representation could clarify descriptions, and would prompt researchers to
focus on the structure and timing and ensure appropriate comparisons.
Readers would be able to see the differences between comparison groups
posted for MArgaret Cooter