BMJ 2006;333:1283-1284 (23 December)
Web 2.0 is a difficult term to define. What seems clear is that it brings people together in a more dynamic, interactive space. This new generation of internet services and devices—often referred to as social software—can be leveraged to enrich our web experience, as information is continually requested, consumed, and reinterpreted. Web 2.0 examples in medicine are given with useful links to test them
BMJ 2006;333:1283-1284 (23 December)
Web 2.0 is a difficult term to define. What seems clear is that it brings people together in a more dynamic, interactive space. This new generation of internet services and devices—often referred to as social software—can be leveraged to enrich our web experience, as information is continually requested, consumed, and reinterpreted. Web 2.0 examples in medicine are given with useful links to test them